An Overview of Horizontal Directional Drilling Process

When it comes to underground infrastructure installation or pipeline construction, one method has revolutionized the industry by offering significant advantages over traditional trenching methods - Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). HDD is a sophisticated drilling technique that allows for the installation of utilities, pipelines, and cables beneath roads, water bodies, and other obstacles without the need for disruptive excavations. In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of horizontal directional drilling, exploring its process, applications, benefits, and environmental considerations. What is Horizontal Directional Drilling? Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a trenchless drilling process used to install underground infrastructure in a controlled manner along a predetermined path. Instead of digging a trench, HDD involves drilling a pilot bore horizontally along the desired path using a specialized drilling rig. Once the pilot bore is completed, the borehol...