Why You Need A Trenchless Method For Underground Utility Installation?

Directional drilling is also known as horizontal boring, which is a trenchless method for installing underground utilities. The horizontal boring machines drill a pilot hole that can enter and exit at predetermined locations. It can also change the direction to avoid any sort of underground obstruction and preexisting lines. A new powerline, sewer, water line, or conduit can be established from the pilot hole. 

Basically, the trenchless method allows installing underground utilities without destroying the surface level. If you have got a project that requires drilling underground but disrupting the surface area can cause extensive damage then choose the trenchless method of directional drilling.

The traditional method that involves trenches is not discarded, but it cannot be used when disrupting the surface is not an option. Here you will get valuable information about the method of directional drilling, the benefits, and reasons to choose.

How does directional drilling work?

We have given a brief explanation regarding the whole process of directional drilling. It will help the readers to understand the process more precisely. So let’s find out the process.

Establishment of a pilot hole

  • After the preparation of the site, a horizontal boring machine is placed and a bore head gets connected to a hollow pipe that enters the ground at a specific angle. 
  • The bore head drills a pilot hole and additional pipe sections are added to complete the pilot hole.

Enlargement of the pilot hole for a new line

  •  After exiting the boring head at a predetermined location, a reamer gets attached. 
  • After attaching the reamer, it is pulled back through the line clearing soil and rocks to expand the hole. 
  • The hole must be expanded 25% more than the size of the pipe for insertion.

Establishment of a new line

  • After preparing the hole, a new line gets pulled through the opening. 
  • The end of the line gets connected and the project gets completed.

Why you should choose directional boring?

Some factors are mentioned below that make the directional boring preferable nowadays. It totally depends on the situation and criteria of the project. So let’s find out.

Trenchless method

The main reason for choosing the directional drilling process because of the trenchless method. The trenchless method is used for establishing new pipelines or powerlines these days. In the past, establishing a new line underground caused expensive and damaging trenchwork. Directional drilling allows operators and technicians to carry out the project without destroying the surface level. The process helps to install a line or relocate a preexisting line.

Monetary factor

The directional drilling process is quite expensive but it cuts down the expenses of reconstructing the destroyed surface level. The traditional method causes damage to the surface level and after the installation or relocation of a new line, the surface level needs to be filled and that is where the unnecessary expenses take place. That is why the directional drilling process is gaining demand in the industry.

Less time consuming

Directional Drilling not only saves time but is also a less time-consuming process. The trenchless method has introduced a way that saves time significantly. As a result, the completion time of a project reduces which is not possible in the conventional method of digging underground.

Benefits of the trenchless method

  • Avoid damaging infrastructure on the surface and under the surface. No disruption on the landscape and hardscape. It is a cleaner method. 
  • Usage of the trenchless method for establishing new underground lines. 
  • Reduction in the cost by preventing unnecessary expenses. 
  • Less time-consuming and environment-friendly method.


Hire a professional directional drilling contractor for the installation of underground utilities. Avoid disrupting the surface level and complete the project in lesser time. Also, avoid bearing unnecessary expenses. Directional drilling made underground projects easier to complete.


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