Advantages From Directional Boring

Directional boring has many advantages, including lower costs and fewer cracks in the existing rock formations. Learn more about directional boring and its advantages by reading the paragraphs below! Directional boring is a trenchless technology technique that is sometimes referred to as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), horizontal drilling, slant drilling, or deviated drilling. Directional boring is a technique used in the oil and gas industry to drill a series of wells laterally and at an angle from a vertical well bore through a zone of rock that contains oil or gas. Utility pipeline and conduit installation also use directional boring or horizontal directional drilling. With the least amount of disruption possible, a pilot borehole is drilled following a pre-planned bore line from the surface. Directional boring is mostly used to create tunnels beneath rivers, highways, and existing structures to install pipelines and conduits for the transportation of various goods and flui...