A Step-By-Step Guide To Boring Pipe Conduit Wire Installation

Due to its aesthetic appeal, concealed conduit electrical wiring systems are a common choice in household settings. They are the most often used type of residential electrical wiring because they shield the wires from harm from the outside environment and prolong their life. 

Four steps are taken to boring pipe conduit wire installation

  • Laying the electrical conduits in the slab.
  • Putting the electrical conduits in the wall
  • Install Back Boxes on Switch Boards Installation of Distribution Boards
  • Let's take a look at the how-to-do boring pipe conduit wire installation process step by step.

Step 1: The first step of boring pipe conduit wire installation is laying electrical conduits in a slab.

  • For PVC conduits, the slab conduits for house wiring should be 25 mm in dimension and 2 mm thick. Between the top and bottom reinforcement, place the slab conduits.
  • In slabs, only use deep junction boxes. Use the binding wire to securely bind the PVC conduits.
  • Following the color-coding for conduits for electrical cables and data, such as LAN and phone wire, would be excellent. Use black PVC pipes for electrical cables, grey PVC pipes for data, and PVC solvent to attach the accessories.
  • Determine the concrete thickness by carefully inspecting the wall drops.
  • See where the switchboards are located and how many points need to be built at each site. Check the conducting following the service drawings.
  • Be extra cautious when placing the slab in concrete.
  • Replacing all damaged pipes
  • Make sure that every junction is waterproof.
  • Pass the GI wire as soon as the slab and beam are de-shuttered. Keep track of any obstructions or alternate routes for future use.
  • Before casting the slab, add all the appropriate sleeves to the beams and columns following the electrical and HVAC systems.
  • Place the pull boxes in appropriate places.Avoid assembling the pull and junction boxes in one location. 
  • According to the electrical designs, position them so that they can't be easily seen from regions with a lot of activity.

Step 2: The second step of boring pipe conduit wire installation is electrical Conduits are Installed on the Wall

  • After masonry walls are built but before plastering work begins, complete the concealed conduit work.
  • Execute the chasing work after the brickwork has finished curing. Keep a minimum of seven days between the two activities.
  • Use only wall cutters to chase the walls to protect them from damage.
  • With the appropriate clamps, secure the electrical conduits to ensure proper wiring and routing.
  • Once the boxes, accessories, and conduits are installed, cover the chiseled surface with cement mortar and cover the conduits with chick mesh.
  • With level markings on the wall, begin the wall conducting task while bearing in mind the height above FFL (Finished Floor Level).
  • Limit the chasing width following the number of conduits.
  • For the conduit recess, the chasing should extend at least 10 mm from the stone wall.
  • Verify the straightness of all the horizontal conduit runs at the box level. The switch box should be reached by the light point conduit running straight up in the air. Ensure that no wall conduit is taken carelessly.
  • Avoid bending or using your elbows. If you want to modify the pipe's direction, use a spring to bend it.
  • Never place electrical conduits next to a communication wire.
  • Conduits should be run above the artificial ceiling with the appropriate support. In any event, avoid laying them on the artificial ceiling. If you can, seal the vertical runs that have open ends at the top.

Step 3: The third step of boring pipe conduit wire installation is Back Box Installation on Switch Boards

  • Under the architect's design, level the concealed switchboard adequately by adjusting its height and distance from the finished floor level, for instance (FFL)
  • Make sure the distance between the hidden switchboards is constant. Keep everything uniform throughout the installations.
  • Switchboards must be prefabricated; modular-style metal boxes from an authorized manufacturer. Fix the hidden box 3 mm below the surface of the plaster.
  • While working on the wall conduiting, complete the box fixing before beginning the plastering. While the plastering is being done, fill the boxes with thermocol.

Step 4: The fourth step of boring pipe conduit wire installation is the Installation of Distribution Boards

  • Before finishing the plaster, conceal the distribution board.
  • Set the DB box in the right position and level the brickwork recess.
  • Set the number of conduits that enter the distribution box, for example, to prepare the box following the design.
  • Only insert the PVC pipes via the designated entrance holes.

To successfully do boring pipe conduit wire installation, make sure you follow all of these instructions in the correct order.


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