The Growing Niche for Automatic Horse Waterer

Being a cattle herder and horse breeder you know how important it is to provide fresh and clean water to your horse and cattle. It is not always possible to have an eye out if your cattle are not going thirsty, enter the Automatic Horse Water. It is a one-stop solution for the watering needs of your horses.
In the following article, we will be looking at the growing market for Automatic Cattle feeders such as the Automatic Horse Waterer. The article will provide you with information regarding why you need to invest in this equipment. 


What is an Automatic Horse Waterer?
The automatic horse waterer is a piece of farm equipment that you can employ in your horse farm and cattle rearing. These are small ergonomic devices that are connected to a water source.
The main task of this device is to ensure that your horse does not go thirsty when you are not looking. In order to use this device you need to install this device in your barn or a place where your horses can access the water. Once installed you no longer have to worry about your horse receiving fresh water regularly. The system automatically fills the waterer once the water level drop below a certain level. Thereby, maintaining a constant level of water for your horse to enjoy!
The automatic horse waterers are usually made out of plastics or if you are willing to spend more, then you can choose the stainless steel variant. Certain horse waterer systems also come with features such as heaters and coolers for the specific temperature and weather on your farm. Additionally, the siphon mechanism that comes with the waterer also prevents any contamination thus improving the health of your horse.


Water Requirements of Your Horse
The body of your horse primarily consists of water. Hence, it is important to consistently maintain this water ratio in order to prevent any dehydration. According to a study by the Penn State, it is seen that the best situation for your horse is to consume the same amount of water as it excretes daily.
Based on the study, if your horse has a weight of 900 lbs then it is important for you to provide 4.5 to 6 gallons of water daily. Similarly, if the weight of the horse is 1800 lbs then it is recommended that you provide your horse with 9.5 gallons to 12 gallons of water.
It is important for you to understand the water intake and outtake of horses. This will help in determining the water consumption level and through that maintaining the health of your horse.
Why do you need a Horse-Waterer?
Once you have determined the water consumption level of your horse, it is now imperative that you ensure a constant water supply. This is where the automatic horse waterer comes in. As we have seen in the previous section, your horses require quite an amount of water daily.
With the horse waterer, your horses will always have a fresh supply of water. Thereby, completely removing your repetitive task of continuously filling the water trough. This also helps in saving you time and giving you the opportunity to concentrate elsewhere.
 One of the major concerns as a Horse raiser is the constant worrying about digestive issues in your horse. The Penn State Study showed that the best way to prevent any digestive problems in your horse is to provide fresh and clean water. The siphon mechanisms present in the automatic horse waterer ensure that your horse receives fresh and algae-free water. The constant water filtration reduces the chance of any colic or digestive diseases. 


Another major advantage when using the automatic horse waterer is reducing the chances of any mosquito born diseases. Often times in our barn, the open water sources become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The horse waterer ensures that your barn is free from any mosquitoes as the water is made to circulate regularly preventing any stagnation.
Lastly, being a horse and cattle raiser you know the water costs can go out of control. We often times had to throw out perfectly clean water because it was not fresh anymore. Increasing the consumption rate. The automatic horse waterer allows you to save water costs on your farm by filtering the water and limiting any water wastage.    
Key Takeaways
A horse waterer is a crucial tool that you can utilize on your farm. The importance of the automatic waterer cannot be overstated if you are looking to improve the efficiency at your farm. The fresh and clean water along with heating and cooling systems allows you to provide the best quality of life to your horses. We have also shown that the horse waterer allows you to have free time and reduces the cost of running your horse farm. It is an essential must-have tool for all cattle and horse raisers.


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